onsdag 27. april 2011

2 Very Useful Cydia Apps

In this post, I'm going to talk a little about some of the most handy and most useful programs to download from Cydia.
Sometimes something wrong
happens to my iPod touch and I have to restore it. I then go trough the jailbreak process, and the first program I download immediately almost everytime
is iFile. iFile has so many
Possibilities, FTP server, Bluetooth file
Sending, root access, and so much more.

There is also another program that I have to have on my IPod since it's perfect. Let's say that you want to download a short trailer for one GOPRO skiing film, you find the download link for the trailer but then you remember, " I cant't download files from Safari!". Safari download manager is just the app for this, it gives you the ability to download trailers, pictures, and short music preview. You can download all sorts of files, zip files too. Just hold over the desired download link, and you've got it. But since this app costs money, 5 dollars I think, then there's a free alternative to this. It gives you almost the same possibilities, but not the same User Interface ofcourse. The name of the program is Safari Download Plug In.

Well, everyone that was my two most useful and handy programs to have on you're iPod Touch or iPhone. You never know when such a handy program can come in hand.


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