tirsdag 26. april 2011

How to make your own Custom boot logo/animated boot logo, very easy!

First of all, it is so simple that everyone can do it. If you want to make an animation, then, first of all, every frame for the animation shouldn't be bigger the 100 kb, becouse it will be laggy if it's bigger.
But if you only want to make a custom boot logo, only one picture that the iPod Touch is booting into, then you can choose almost any size for the picture you like. It could be 1 MB and much more.

By The Way, I do NOT take any sort of CREDIT for this Picture.
This picture was not made, edited or published by me.
I don't know who made it, but he did a VERY good job with this amazing picture.
I have searched, but not found he's name, if anybody knows, then send me a message so I can write it down.

For example this picture:

If someone wants for example this picture as a custom boot logo, since it dosen't exist on Cydia, then the only thing you have to do is to first of all,

1.browse to the /Library/BootLogos/ on your iPod Touch/iPhone with some sort of file browsing program, like iFile(I use this), SSH(WinSCP), or something else.

                                                        I named this folder with the photo (on the top) "Star". :-)

2.When you have done this you must make a folder, whatever you want you'r boot logo to be named, then you find you'r picture and place it in that folder you just made.

3. You must name the picture you pasted into the folder that you made to be " 0.png " (without the "" ). "png" must be small letters and the number should be "0", since it's the first frame. I think you can use number "1" or some other number, but the the picture will show up later.

4. Then you just goto, setting, scroll down to BootLogo and choose the name of the folder you made and REBOOT!

5. DONE, and enjoy you'r own created bootlogo, but remember, if you want to MAKE you'r own bootlogo, then you have to create the picture and not to take it from another site, that's why we only made a setup for the picture, but we diden't make anything! :-D

Well, I use this picture as a boot logo for my iPod Touch, even though I diden't make it. :-)

Luukaabazzoookaa on Youtube

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