tirsdag 3. mai 2011

New and Miscellaneous Fonts to get on your iDevice

Have you ever wanted to change the font that your iPod Touch is using the whole time, to a new and different one. If your reasons are that they're boring or that you want something new and different, then keep on reading.

BytaFont is a nice and free software that can be downloaded from Cydia, it's IOS4 compatible, and has very many different fonts to choose from.

This is another of those short tutorials when it's not at all necessary to make a guide.

You start with opening up Cydia and going to the search tab. From there you search for BytaFont and download it. The rest of the steps are also very simple. You goto Cydia and download fonts from there. Then you install your desired font and then you go back to BytaFont and choose the font that you just downloaded from Cydia.

Walt Disney Font, as an example:


Choosing The Desired Font

Here's how the Lockscreen looks like

Here's how the font looks like on the homescreen


By the way, there exists another font application that can be downloaded from Cydia. It's also free, but this app is likely more knows, and maybe some people prefer this program more then, the one I wrote about. It's name is FontSwap and can be installed from Cydia without any special configurations.

Please Comment!
Luukaabazzoookaa on YouTube!


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