tirsdag 3. mai 2011

Downloading Cydia apps from PC

In some cases, people would like to download programs from the PC, because of speed and efficiency. If you want to download a tweak or a simple theme. It doesn't matter. Down below is a tutorial.

I am using font downloading as an example:

In my recent post about how to get diverse and interesting fonts on your iDevice, then you sometimes want to have all the different fonts that's possible to have so you can choose them when you are offline with your iDevice.
This would be a very slow and frustration process, but luckily people has made a Program for Windows, were you can download apps right onto your PC.
If you are thinking over, on how to transfer this over to your iDevice. I will come to this later(very easy)

Things you need:
Jailbroken iDevice Ofcourse
Cyder 2: Link: http://www.multiupload.com/6S9NQCCOKS

How to:

Step 1. Connect your iPod Touch to your PC.
Step 2. Download and run Cyder 2.
Step 3. When Cyder 2 Opens, Click on get sources from Cydia. This could take up to a minute.
Step 4. From here you can choose the packages you would like to download.
Step 5. Since I am using Font downloading as an example, I'm going to explain a little more.
You then choose all the different fonts you would like, this will be much more efficient and faster since you just can press F2 on the keyboard and it's prepared.
Step 6. When you've chosen your fonts you'd like, navigate to  Downloads in the top left corner, and click on the green triangle. The fonts or the apps you would like is going to download.
Step 7. Now if you want to transfer these Fonts or apps you have installed, you simply go to file manager on the top of Cyder 2, and choose "Cydia AutoInstall and from the left box with cydia caches you transfer them over.
Step 8. Now you just reboot your iDevice and all of those apps or fonts or tweaks or whatever you want, has been installed.


Luukaabazzoookaa on Youtube

1 kommentar:

  1. Dear,
    I have already followed all the procedures what you are given here. Unfortunately when I start Cyder it shows SQLite3.dll missing. After appearing this problem I have downloaded SQLite.dll from internet and paste it my system32 folder. But problem didnt get solve.
    Please help me!
