onsdag 28. desember 2011

Review Of The "Snugg 2 in 1 Silver Stylus and Writing Pen"

"Snugg 2 in 1 Silver Stylus and Writing Pen"

Want to have one? 
Here is a link to their product!

TheSnugg was very kind to send me the "Snugg 2 in 1 Silver Stylus and Writing Pen", just before Christmas eve arrived here in Norway. I have been used the stylus pen i many different ways so I could review the pen from different aspects. Some of the ways I used the pen, was to try combining the Pen and the iPod Touch to a drawing tablet. It works, but when trying to draw the small detailed parts of a drawing, then it can be inaccurate. I also tested out how sensitive the iPod Touch was when swiping the pen over the screen on the iPod - it's good but, a human finger is definitely better.

The stylus 2 in 1 pen has been made in a nice size and it's very compact while also keeping the two functions. The look of the pen is alright, but they could have done a better job with the look. Like changing the color of the text on the pen cap. That would have been a better contrast choice!

The size of the pen is under the size of an average sized ballpoint pen. Maybe 2cm shorter, there is still no problem with that. As you also can see, a headphone jack attachment is available, so you can secure it and avoid of maybe losing it.
Here you easily see how badly it's noticeable.

The packaging is also very impressing just like the "Snugg 2Ah Portable Charger". Shiny, attractive and cool!
They've done a great job with designing and creating the packaging and I am very satisfied!

The backside of the packaging - as well very nice made. Shiny and elegant but nevertheless smart and brilliant!
The writing pen is good to write with and it's practical to have around whenever you need it.


  • It has a nice size and can fit in almost any pocket. It's smaller then the normal ballpoint pens, but this is no average pen, it a 2 in 1 stylus pen. Even though the size is smaller, it doesn't matter at all!
  • The packaging is awesome to look at, a great color choice and very nice with a transparent look!
  • A nice silver color, a clip to attach the pen to a sweater and other various clothing and a 3.55mm headphone jack attachment for portability!
  • Compatible with all Apple iDevices and many other touch screen mobile phones, devices and other apparatuses! 
  • A great alternative for those who want to draw cartoons and pictures on many of the iPad, iPod and iPhone drawing applications. It's also possible to use the iPod, iPhone or iPad together with the stylus pen as a drawing tablet.
  • Included a good quality writing pen with black ink. Great to have around when you suddenly can make use of one, while using your Apple iDevice.


  • An OK price, but I wouldn't mind it to be slightly cheaper, cause just recently I found a page that sold an almost exact stylus pen, only without the writing pen for 2.57 US dollars. 
  • Sometimes when using the pen and the iDevice as an drawing tablet, it can become imprecise to draw and sketch, the smaller details. 
  • It is sometimes needed to press the pen harder onto the touch screen then expected. It isn't like a human finger where you just slightly touch the screen and it responds. That's why a finger is much better then using stylus pens! Using the pen can however be much more accurate when drawing inside apps, surfing in safari and doing detailed tasks on the Apple Device.

This is how the soft rubber, that is "touch screen sensitive", looks like. For those wanting to know the size of this, it's about the half size of the iPod Touch home button.

Works with iPad, iPhone, iPod and many more. "Write", "Draw", and "Navigate".
Exactly as it says, you can navigate in Safari, Write in drawing apps and draw in drawing applications. 

Total Conclusion

TheSnugg Silver 2 in 1 stylus pen is almost perfectly made and with very few dislikes from me. It's an alright price, and for those with an iPad or an iPad 2 this is a "must"! It simplifies drawing, writing, surfing in safari and many other things. Using this with an iPod or an iPhone on the other hand can be discussed. The iPod and iPhone screen is small enough already so having a pen to cover some space of the screen is frustrating. It's in handy to have one around for the iPad owners, but using this with an iPod or iPhone wouldn't be so practical.
As a finishing conclusion! For all iPad owners I recommend this fully and completely, but for the iPod and iPhone owners I don't think that you would have had that much of practical use. That is still your decision to make!

The Snugg Website:

TheSnugg SIlver 2 in 1 Stylus Pen Product Link:

Recommended for iPad owners


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