tirsdag 17. januar 2012

Reviewing - Mini Microphone for iPhone 3G/iPod Nano 4G/iPod Touch 2G/iPod Classic 120 (3.5mm Jack/Modena)


Mini Microphone for iPhone 3G/iPod Nano 4G/iPod Touch 2G/inPod Classic 120 (3.5mm Jack/Modena)

Unfortunately I ordered the wrong version of this microphone, so I didn't get the the color I actually wanted. Fortunately the mic works brilliantly, and is with no doubt better than the iPod Touch microphone. I haven't been using it very much, mainly because I don't record many videos on a daily basis with my iPod! I would rather use my 7 year old camcorder.
It's very small and since it's a "Plug and Play", device, then it's just to bring it with you, plug it in and use it!

Purple... As you can see, the mini microphone has a mini jack connection, so there will be a enormous amount of devices you can use this with. Very in-handy for those who travel alot with their iPhone, and need a better microphone when recording memories and traveling destinations.

Ridiculously small and compact. You can literally store it almost anywhere. The most important thing with mic is to remember to bring it with you, and to not lose it anywhere. I took a key here, and compared it to the whole microphone capsule. Convinced? 

As you remove the top part of the microphone capsule, then it becomes even smaller. When it is just like this, I's around the size of an 25 cent coin. The jack mini jack plug is 3.5mm, this means it can fit into Androids, Nokia's, Camcorders and other devices. Since almost all electronics use jack plugins, the opportunities for use are endless!

Microphone end with small holes to pick up the sound. The sound quality is much better and it picks up three time the amount of sound, contrary to the iPod Touch microphone! It is maybe big, but if that's the price to pay for better sound, the I would rather do that, then loosing sound quality.


  • Compatible with all iPods, iPhones, iPads and many more devices with mini jack plugin. So the possibilities of how this microphone can be used are enormous!
  • Very small, compact and easy to use. Portable and can be carried around everywhere.
  • Has a included attachment for portability, like carrying it around with a key chain or something.
  • Much better recording quality and sound sensitivity than the iPod Touch microphone! 
  • Plug and Play compatible so the setup for this is super easy. Just plug in, and use! Cheap, Quick and Easy!
  • Seems surprisingly well made, doesn't seems fragile at all, and by considering the price of 2.09 USD, then you get a good product for the price.


  • The microphone is divided into two parts, the top and the bottom (the microphone itself). On the part that covers the mini jack, and where the key chain attachment is, if it's pulled hard enough then it will separate from the mic and you can lose it! However, they couldn't have done nothing about that, cause they can't place it on the other side becasue that's where the microphone is. By placing the key chain attachment on the microphone capsule sides would have been better choice!
  • The top where the microphone is, should maybe have been more rounded on the edges. I now refer to the second picture above "Pros", there you can see how big the top is, they should have made it smaller, if that would have been possible of course.

Comparing the iPod Mic, and the mini micrphone sound. 
Equally far away from the microphone!

Mini Microphone Sound Test

iPod Touch Microphone Sound Test

Just listen to them and you'll see a significant difference in sound quality. 

This is the microphone capsule part where the attachment for the key chain is. I wouldn't use this, to be honest, cause I don't want to risk loosing it when walking or while doing anything physical activity.

When you connect the mic to the iPod, this is how mine looks like. It is pretty big, but it serves a pretty good sound quality, and that much better then iPod microphone. So maybe it isn't the most well designed, but it does what is says!

Total Conclusion

If you record a lot of videos with your iPod Touch, iPad or iPhone, then this could be a very practical device. Often, specially if your are recording with the front camera a lot, then this will be like the front facing microphone.. It really improves recording quality and I think that 2 bucks for this is deifinitly worth it! That depends as well if you're going to use it!
It does what it says and does it well. Only be careful when carrying it around cause it's really small and can easily be lost.

Recommended for those who use there iDevice for recording videos and voice mails. 

DealExtreme Website:

The product link:

Written by Luka

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